James, pictured second from the right, is a social worker with the Adamas organization. He poses with three boys at risk of falling into the drug trafficking networks in Amsterdam.
Drug trafficking

Netherlands: The children of a country held hostage by drug trafficking

On the edges of society, adolescents navigate the mafias that recruit them and the efforts of police officers, social workers and the few politicians who try to keep them on the side of the law. However, as drug trafficking extends its presence throughout the Netherlands, violence and intimidation are threatening the country’s institutions. This is a portrait of Dutch society that has little to do with the postcards that depict bicycles and tulips

Bolivia's former president Evo Morales arrives for a Puebla Group meeting during the III World Forum on Human Rights at the Kirchner Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 21, 2023.

Evo Morales, former president of Bolivia: ‘The government’s only plan is to eliminate my candidacy’

In his interview with EL PAÍS, Morales, who governed from 2006 until 2019, affirms that the attempted coup that took place on June 26 was orchestrated by incumbent President Luis Arce. He also warns about the possibility of mass demonstrations in case he is impeded from presenting himself as a candidate in 2025



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