The most popular horror franchise of the past two decades returns to theaters seven years after its last installment. As usual, it promises to give its audience everything they want
During his speech Wednesday night, the former president and Republican frontrunner attacked electric cars and presented himself as the defender of the ‘working class’
Founded by renowned chef Gastón Acurio in 2007, this school is located in a desert on the outskirts of Lima. It has trained more than 400 chefs from humble origins
A third of Argentine voters are under the age of 29. They get the bulk of their information from social media and online videos, where the extreme-right has taken over the spaces with self-managed groups
The piece is not in the hands of Jane Birkin’s family. Catherine Benier, a renowned collector, bought the holy grail of handbags at auction 23 years ago
Environmentalists have long sought stronger federal protections for the prairie bird, which is at risk from oil and gas development, livestock grazing and farming, along with roads and power lines
Microsoft’s advertising and web services chief said in court Wednesday that Apple’s strategy translates into it making more money leveraging Bing than Bing makes off its own business
The panel of Food and Drug Administration experts met Wednesday to review a stem cell-based therapy that has been at the center of a yearslong lobbying campaign by patients
The ransacking followed an earlier peaceful protest over a judge’s decision to dismiss murder and other charges against a Philadelphia police officer who shot and killed a driver through a rolled-up window
During the nearly five-month walkout, no issue resonated more than the use of AI in script writing. What was once a seemingly lesser demand of the Writers Guild of America became an existential rallying cry
Earlier this month, Springsteen announced that he would be postponing all of his September 2023 dates while he was treated for symptoms related to the disease